• Rides and Tours:
Ride Incentive Program 1
Ride Classes 1
Types of Riders 2
Evening Rides 2
Suggestions for Routes 3
Problems on the Road 3
Ride Leader Responsibility 4
How Does a Ride Leader Schedule a Ride in the Newsletter? 4
How Does a Ride Leader Schedule a “Called In Ride”? 4
Information Needed To Schedule A Ride 4
Creating Maps - Ride Leader 5
During the Ride – Ride Leader 6
Ride Sheet Paperwork – Ride Leader 6
What is expected from Riders? 6
Ride Sheet Paperwork – Rider 7
Ride Officials 7
Summary 8

Some things Ride Leaders will find useful:

  • Ride Leader Info

    This guide (Table of Contents on the right) outlines everything Ride Leaders and Riders should know. It was developed by Sara Kanya in 1994 and Arne Johnson and Katie Donnelly in 2004.

  • Ride Incentive Program
    Kris Stairs wrote the TCBA Ride Incentive Program article in the January 2009 Chainwheel Chatter. The article presented new criteria for the Ride Incentive Program and also outlined several new items for Ride Leaders. Look for the article in the Services section of the web site.
  • Ride Leader sign-up sheets

    Leaders will need a sign-up sheet to obtain the names, etc for the riders. A sign-up sheet that can be folded into a self-mailer with pre-paid postage may be picked up at a monthly member meeting. If you wish to download an print a sign-up sheet click on the images below.

    1. 08_2pg_pg1 (1K) 08_2pg_pg2 (1K)

      Click on the images to download a two-sided sign-up sheet that can be printed out and mailed in an envelope.

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