• ABOUT TCBA's Organization in 2016


Non-Board Positions

President Pat Kelley
Vice-PresidentBill Smith
TreasurerSteve Leiby
SecretaryDeb Traxinger
Events DirectorKen Hendrick
Board at Large Ken Schwartz
Joane Gruizenga
Advocacy Committee : Mike Unsworth
Called-in Rides : Thomas Bogle
The DALMAC Fund: Steve Leiby
Membership/Change of Address: Wendell Proudfoot
Newsletter Editor: Patricia Meade
Ride Coordinator: Ed Usewick
Ride Mileage Keeper: Doug Sherman
Routes & Maps: Lauren Rosier
Crosstown Maps: Dick Janson
Summertour: Pete Derkos
NorthwestTour: Jeff Dillingham
T-Shirt Ride: T-shirt Ride Coordinator
Website: Jeff Dillingham & Wendell Proudfoot
Women on Wheels: Adreah Saxton

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