TCBA Travel Expense Policy
Effective May 1, 2000

All persons traveling on TCBA business seeking reimbursement must obtain prior authorization from the Committee head responsible for that budget activity, on forms issued or accepted by the Treasurer or the Treasurer's agents.

No person may authorize or approve their own travel, meal and/or lodging expenses; Committee heads must obtain prior authorization from a member of the Board of Directors for their travel, meal and/or lodging expenses.

The forms required for authorization shall set forth the purpose of the trip, budget line item from which payment will be made, expected travel period, method of transportation, itinerary, and an estimate of the entire travel, meal and/or lodging expense showing the anticipated expenditures for transportation, lodging, meals, and fees.

Allowances for individual meals will be based on the following schedule:

Breakfast -- When travel commences prior to 6:00 a.m. and extends beyond 8:30 a.m.
Lunch -- When travel commences prior to 11:30 a.m. and extends beyond 2:00 p.m.
Dinner -- When travel commences prior to 6:30 p.m. and extends beyond 8:00 p.m.

The amount reimbursed for any particular meal shall not exceed $15. The amount reimbursed per day per individual for meals and lodging shall not exceed $150. Receipts for all travel, meal and/or lodging expenses are required for reimbursement. Mileage reimbursement shall not exceed the rate per mile amount set forth by IRS. A log must be submitted for all travel for which mileage reimbursement is sought.

The Tri-County area (the counties of Ingham, Clinton and Eaton) being designated the regular place of business of TCBA, no individual shall be reimbursed for travel, meal and/or lodging expenses within the Tri-County area without obtaining prior approval from the Board of Directors.

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Questions about the Travel Expense Policy should be referred to a TCBA Board member.
Contact a Board Member by e-mail or call (517) 882-3700.