• ABOUT the TCBA web site

Website committee:

  • Wendell Proudfoot co-webmaster
  • Jeff Dillingham co-webmaster
  • Wendell Proudfoot, membership coordinator
Additional contributors
  • John Foltz (maintains the TRI-COunty Recumbent Riders section and is the Forums moderator)
  • Tom Bogle (updates the called-in-rides page)
  • Janet Weber provides the newsletter in PDF format
Other website committee participants
  • Donovan Riley helped make some early decisions
  • Jason Folkes
  • Cindy Fate

Founding webmaster: Ed Noonan

Ed founded the original TCBA website in the early-to-mid 1990's. He almost single-handedly maintained and upgraded the website until September 2009. He also chaired the website committee until September 2009, and was instrumental in selecting the current web host.

Invitation to participate

TCBA members are welcome to join and contribute to the website committee. The committee 'meets' primarily by messaging our Google Group. To join the Group, log-in to (or register for) your Google account, and go to http://groups.google.com/group/tcba-web/subscribe?hl=en¬e=1. The Group is not public, so a search won't find it.

The “New” TCBA Web site

The “new” web site has many features that are the same as the old one. It just looks different. But, you can still find information that you may be looking for:

  • On the 'Home page' is information drawing your attention to the 5 major rides TCBA conducts each year: DALMAC, Summertour, Northwest tour, T-shirt ride and Women-on-Wheels(WOW). Rides and Tours information is also summarized on a separate page where you'll see a link to information about the scheduled rides we all enjoy on most days when the weather cooperates. We're presenting the ride schedule information a little differently. It's presented in a Google calendar that is embedded in our web page. To see an example, visit the new web site's “Rides page” and find the October '09 calendar. October is the last time we had many rides scheduled. Hopefully this experiment will work out.
  • A list of “Braking News” items is in the lower right side of the page. It's a compilation of the last four posts to a blog. Sending messages to club volunteers and officers is different. The “mailto:” links we're all familiar with are notorious for having the addresses harvested by spammers. Instead of the “mailto:” links, we have a Contact Form, where you can find the person you want to email on a drop-down list.
  • DALMAC has it's own web site. It's a folder on the TCBA web site, but 'www.dalmac.org' will go directly to that folder, and it is just like an individual website.
  • One of the reasons we moved to a new web host is to implement a new version of the TCBA Forums. The new Forums have been “up” since last spring, but many may have been bothered by the awkward url we required back then. The Forums are very popular with DALMAC riders looking for information and just discussion with other riders.

For those who want to know the technology, the new pages depend extensively on the use of Javascript, CSS, and PHP. Regarding Javascript and CSS, if your browser doesn't support them, or it's turned off, the really new things on the web site will not show up. CSS provides the structure and style to each page, and Javascript provides the changing images, rotating news items, and the calendar. Most of the pages validate as XHTML 1.0, and should display correctly in browsers such as Firefox that support that standard. The Website Committee hopes you enjoy the new web site.

Because Google makes it easy to feed a blog to a box on a web page, we are using a blog to document how the web site is organized and designed.
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