Rider Mileage Information for 2003 Tri-County Bicycle Association
PO Box 22146
Lansing, Michigan 48909-2146
(517) 882-3700

Data updated on July 01, 2012

Change to: 2002
Change to: 2004
Change to: 2005
Change to: 2006
Change to: 2007
Change to: 2008
Change to: 2009
Change to: 2010
Change to: 2011
Change to: 2012
Change to: 2013
Change to: 2014
Change to: 2015

Ride mileage for 2024 is not yet available.


New Website

TCBA is developing a new website. (See March 2016 Chainwheel Chatter; Meeting Minutes, Pg 3.) A service named Club Express will host the website in the future.

Ride Mileage

A major impetus for moving to the new website is to change the way ride mileage is recorded and reported to members. Accordingly, 2016 ride mileage will not be reported here.

Select your name from the drop-down list:


If your name is not in the list, see the Note below

Remember my name.
If you check this box, a cookie with your name will be stored on the computer you are using now. You won't have to select your name each time.

If you need to look up info for someone else, use the "Select a different rider" link at the bottom of the page.

*  Please note:  The list now includes everyone with reported mileage, but it notes riders whose membership has lapsed. Please check your membership expiration date on the label affixed to your Chainwheel Chatter when it is mailed to you.

TCBA homepage