Contact: John Foltz -

Recumbent Riders

TriCORR Members

Recumbent FAQ

Upright vs Recumbent Comparison

Coroplast Primer

Workshop 1: Fairings

Workshop 2: Tailboxes


 Idler Sprocket for Baron


Ride Reports



Welcome to the home of Tri-County Recumbent Riders.  TriCORR is a recumbent interest group within Tri-County Bicycle Association; that is, we are a group of TCBA members who share an interest in/own recumbent bicycles. 

TCBA, based in Lansing, Michigan, is one of the largest bicycle clubs in the country. It also has one of the largest concentrations of recumbents in the country. 

August 2008
Joe Stephansky tries out a lowracer. Looking good, Joe!

 If you're a TCBA member with a new recumbent, get a pic and submit it here!